jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

¿La empresa Venoco chavista? Este es el fake que quieren montar con los mercenarios y avión / The company Venoco chavista? This is the fake they want to ride with the mercenaries and the plane

De acuerdo con un reportaje publicado por el diario estadounidense PanAm Post, una «alta funcionaria del Estado venezolano» se habría encargado de buscar en un vuelo a los tres mercenarios estadounidenses de SilverCorp que participaron en la fallida Operación Gedeón, sin embargo, esta persona es directora de una empresa centroamericana.


De acuerdo con los itinerarios de vuelos difundidos, «el 15 de enero de este año el jet salió desde Charallave a Barranquilla con dos pasajeros, entre ellos Franklin Durán, exaccionista de Venoco y cómplice del militar desertor Clíver Alcalá Cordones. De territorio colombiano, Yacsy Álvarez -directora de Venoco en centroamérica- salió a la Florida, de donde regresó acompañada de Jordan Goudreau, Luke Denman y Airan Berry», estos dos últimos capturados en Venezuela, agrega el reportaje que muestra un par de imágenes donde aparecen los registros de vuelo y las personas que viajaron.


Como bien recuerda el portal de investigación La Tabla, Venoco ya no pertenece al Estado venezolano desde 2010, pues fue expropiada y pasó a llamarse Vassa. En un hilo de Twitter agregan la lista de sucursales de Venoco y se puede constatar que Venezuela no aparece entre estas. Por tanto, ni Álvarez ni Durán son funcionarios ni contratistas del Estado venezolano.


Durán fue detenido este 24 de mayo por las autoridades venezolanas por tener vínculos financieros con la Operación Gedeón. «Una fuente dijo al PanAm Post que Durán tenía relaciones estrechas con el general Clíver Alcalá Cordones«, otro de los coordinadores del fallido plan mercenario que se gestó en Colombia con apoyo de narcotraficantes colombianos del cártel de La Guajira, el Departamento Antidrogas estadounidense (DEA) y los gobiernos de Estados Unidos y de Colombia.


Alcalá Cordones se encuentra actualmente protegido por la DEA y el régimen de Donald Trump en Estados Unidos, luego que fuera descubierta su participación en la entrada de un arsenal de armas de guerra que fueron retenidas por la policía de tránsito de Colombia

The company Venoco chavista? This is the fake they want to ride with the mercenaries and the plane
According to a report published by the American newspaper PanAm Post, a "high-ranking Venezuelan state official" would have been in charge of looking for the three US SilverCorp mercenaries who participated in the failed Operation Gideon on a flight, however, this person is director of a central american company.

According to the flight itineraries disclosed, «on January 15 of this year the jet left from Charallave to Barranquilla with two passengers, including Franklin Durán, a Venoco exactionist and an accomplice of the deserter military Clíver Alcalá Cordones. From Colombian territory, Yacsy Álvarez - director of Venoco in Central America - left for Florida, from where she returned accompanied by Jordan Goudreau, Luke Denman and Airan Berry, ”the latter two captured in Venezuela, adds the report that shows a pair of images where Flight records and people who traveled appear.

As the research website La Tabla recalls, Venoco has no longer belonged to the Venezuelan State since 2010, as it was expropriated and renamed Vassa. In a Twitter thread they add the list of Venoco branches and it can be seen that Venezuela does not appear among them. Therefore, neither Álvarez nor Durán are officials or contractors of the Venezuelan State.

 Durán was detained on May 24 by the Venezuelan authorities for having financial ties to Operation Gideon. "A source told the PanAm Post that Durán had close relations with General Clíver Alcalá Cordones," another of the coordinators of the failed mercenary plan that was conceived in Colombia with the support of Colombian drug traffickers from the La Guajira cartel, the US Anti-Drug Department (DEA ) and the governments of the United States and Colombia.

Alcalá Cordones is currently protected by the DEA and the Donald Trump regime in the United States, after his participation in the entry of an arsenal of war weapons that were retained by the Colombian traffic police was discovered.

This is what HRW declared about the alleged 30 thousand deaths in Venezuela

This is what HRW declared about the alleged 30 thousand deaths in Venezuela
This Tuesday, some international media released the opinion matrix that there were not 11, but 30,000 deaths from coronavirus in Venezuela, accusing the government of manipulating its reports.

Specifically, this statistic had been contributed by Manuel Vivanco, President of Human Rights Watch (HRW) for the Americas, and had been accompanied by some opinions from Johns Hopkins University. According to Vivanco statements issued by La Tercera: "The most conservative statistics indicate that in a country with the population of 30 million in Venezuela, if 1% are infected, we are talking about 300 thousand infected and they say they have a thousand."

We note that in his "statistics", he speaks of contagions and not of deaths in particular, so it was from this ambiguity that these means were used to generate a new fake and spread that there were 30,000 victims.

It should be noted that Vivanco's statements insist on qualifying as "false and absurd" the figures of the development of this pandemic in the country, without presenting any evidence to prove it. These shocking statements in the media, but without support, seek to minimize the ravages of the virus in Brazil (391,222 cases and 24,512 deaths), Peru (129,751 infected and 3,788 dead), Chile (77,961 cases and 806 dead), Ecuador (37,355 positive and 3,203 dead ) and Colombia (23,003 cases and 776 deaths), to name a few. In fact, Brazil became the second country in the world with the most cases on the planet.

In the same way, these media and NGOs have made Venezuela's efforts invisible, despite the blockades, coercive measures, attacks and even terrorist incursions, to serve not only its citizens within its borders, but all those more than 50 thousand nationals who have arrived in the country fleeing from xenophobia, hunger, exclusion and lack of health care.

Colombian Foreign Minister Claudia Blum accused Venezuela on Wednesday of being "irresponsible" in handling the pandemic

Colombian Foreign Minister Claudia Blum accused Venezuela on Wednesday of being "irresponsible" in handling the pandemic, to which Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza published an energetic response.

 The only one irresponsible is Colombia, due to the lousy handling they have made during the pandemic," was the Venezuelan diplomat's response to Blum's attack during an intervention before the country's neighboring Congress.

Recall that coordination with Colombia in the border area has been difficult, in addition, they refused to receive two machines for PCR tests (since Colombia only has one for the entire country) from our country. And it is that since the start of the pandemic, Colombia has refused to establish coordination with Venezuela, despite sharing more than 2,200 kilometers of border. Closing of the legal border crossings at the beginning of the pandemic, little control in the trails, the rejection of two machines for screening tests, are part of the history of the Government of the neighboring country, which has taken these positions for political reasons: not knowing the Government legitimate and constitutional of Nicolás Maduro and ally himself with the "self-proclaimed" Juan Guaidó.

Arreaza also mentioned in his trill the technical limitation of the New Granada nation to register and track cases, so they report fewer cases than they actually have. Among the more than fifty thousand Venezuelans who have returned to Venezuela, of those who have arrived from Colombia, the figures in the Venenzuela reports take over. For example, today there were 34 new cases, 30 correspond to those infected from that nation. The situation in Colombia has been critical in recent months, as there have been riots in prisons, looting and riots due to the lack of social aid during the health crisis.

Crecimiento Económico de Venezuela

 Una mentira más del presidente maduro, pues ese milagro económico del que habla tanto maduro solo existe en su mente y en papeles, porque l...